The majority vote system is for
citizens to govern all aspect of their country's government departments, without the services of politicians, dictators
or presidents. All residents must have identification to govern efficiently. Residents will put forward issues of concern to government departments in the context
of that department. For example, a hospital complaint would be to the hospital
that the complaint originated, if the complaint is not resolved then it is to the health department. A pollution complaint will be directly to the environmental department.
An electricity complaint will be to your electricity company if your complaint is not resolved then it will be to the
consumers affairs department. All federal, state, territories and local government
departments etc will be restructured to take issues of concern then the issue will be catalogue within the context of
that issue then compiled. All government department and agencies etc will enter
into a debate in alphabetical order, as well as issues that have been submitted by the public and private
sector involving that department. In all government department debates
their will be citizens from the public and private sector that are directly involved in issues being debated as well as academics,
scientists, also government departments, agencies etc that had any association with the issue being debated. Each debate outcome will have three proposed amendment, by the people involved
in the issue being debated. All votes will need to be submitted by telephone this will be free of
charge. All issues will have the name of that issue being debated also a identification number so when you vote
on a issue you will first give your identification number and password and then the issues name and identification number. Then you will receive a receipt number to verify your vote. The majority in favour of a proposed amendment will become law. A
report of the status of all our government departments and agencies etc will be submitted once every calendar month, these
reports will be produced when a department or agency etc is eligible for a debate, with out this report we will not be able
to govern our government departments etc efficiently. All debates and voting
outcomes will be broadcast by your A.B.C. television and radio stations. The
changing over from politicians to a majority vote system will be the same as the changing of governing parties after an election
win. All government departments and agencies etc will be monitored and audio
taped whilst on duty for our security. All employees of our government departments
and agencies will need to sign a statutory declaration stating their will not enter into any illegal activities whilst on
duty and if convicted of any illegal activities they will forfeit all entitlements and dismissed.
This system could also be
incorporated into shires etc. Home owners could have 49% say on what happens
in their shire etc, tenants 29% say industry 22% say, without the need for mayors or councilors. All citizens must use integrity, ethics, honesty, caring, and common sense when voting.
this majority vote system if not constructed and implemented properly, may cause the governing system in place to collapse. The last political party will disband 110 days after a election win, this 110 days
will be to assemble this the majority vote system.